Impressive benefits of rosemary

ማስታወስ ችሎታን በ75% የሚጨምረው ቅጠል
በሀገራችን በተለይ በገጠራማው ክፍል የስጋ መጥበሻ ወይም ሮዝሜሪ በመባል የሚጠራው ቅጠል በየጓሮው እናስተውላለን፤ ነገር ግን ጠቀሜታው ጊቢ ከማሳመርና አልፎ አልፎ ስጋ ሲጠበስ እንደማጣፈጫነት ከመጠቀም በዘለለ እንብዛም አይታወቅም፡፡
ሮዝሜሪ ወይም የጥብስ ቅጠል ምንድን ነው?
ሮዝሜሪ ለጤና ብዙ ጠቀሜታ አለው፡፡ ጥናታቸውን ሮዝሜሪ ላይ ያደረጉ ባለሙያዎች በቅርቡ ባወጡት መረጃ የማስታወስ ችሎታን 75 ከመቶ ከፍ እንደሚያደርግ ገልጸዋል፡፡ ከዚህም ባሻገር ይህ ተክል ዘርፈ ብዙ ጠቀሜታዎችም አሉት፡፡ ሮዝሜሪ ለምግብ ማጣፈጫነትም በስፋት ጥቅም ላይ ይዉላል፡፡ በአብዛኛዉም ለስጋ ጥብስ ጥሩ መአዛ እና ጠአምን ስለሚሰጥ ለስጋ መጥበሻነት ያገለግላል። የጥብስ ቅጠል የሚለዉን ስያሜም ያገኘዉ ከዚሁ አገልግሎቱ የተነሳ ነዉ። የሮዝሜሪን የዘይት ፋብሪካዎችም ዘይት ለማምረት በጥሬ እቃነት ይጠቀሙታል፡፡
የሮዝሜሪ ተክል የማስታወስ ችሎታን የማሳደግ ሚስጥር አዲስ ግኝት አይደለም። የዚህን ተክል የማስታወስ ችሎታን ማሰደግ በጥንት ዘመን ስነጽሁፎች ዉስጥ ሳይቀር ተገልጾ ይገኛል፡፡ ስለዚህ ተክል በዊልያም ሼክስፔር ሀምሌት መጽሀፍ ላይ ተጽፎ እናነባለን፡፡ በጥንት ጊዜ በጋብቻ ስነስርአት ላይ እንደ መታሰቢያ መልክት ሆኖ ያገለግል ነበር፡፡ በተጨማሪም በአውሮፓ እና በአውስትራሊያ የጦርነት መታሰቢያ ምልከት አድርገው ይጠቀሙበት ነበር፡፡
ሀዘንተኞችም ባለቁልፍ ልብስ በመልበስ፤ እጣን በማጨስ እና ሮዝሜሪ ወደ ᎂች መቃብር በመወርወር መታሰቢያ ስርአት ያደርጉ ነበር፡፡ ይህ የሮዝሜሪ ተክል በርግጥ የቆየ እና የጥንት ባህል ቢሆንም መነሻው ግን በመካከለኛው ዘመን ከአረቡ አለም ወደ ሳይንሳዊ እሳቤነት እንዳደገ ይገመታል፡፡ የተለያዩ ሳይንቲስቶች ባጠኑት ጥናት ሮዝሜሪ የማስታወስ ችሎታን ለማሳደግ ጠቃሚ እንደሆነ ነው፡፡
በ2012 ዓ.ም በአማካኝ 75 አመት እድሜ ያስቆጠሩ ሰዎች ላይ በተደረገ ጥናት የደረቀ የሮዝሜሪ ቅጠል ዱቄት እንዲጠቀሙ በማድረግ የሚያስደንቅ ውጤት ተገኝታል፡፡ በዚሁ ጥናት ላይ የሮዝሜሪ ዘይት የማስታወስ አቅምን በሚያስደንቅ ሁኔታ እስከ 75 በመቶ የማሳደግ አቅም እንዳለው ተረጋግጧል፡፡
One of the most exciting health benefits of rosemary is its ability to improve memory, improve mood, treat Alzheimer's disease, cure cancer, reduce inflammation, relieve pain and protect the immune system. The plant also helps to stimulate circulation, detoxify the body, protect against bacterial infections, prevent premature aging and heal skin problems.
What is rosemary?
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is a perennial herb of the Mediterranean. It has fine needle-shaped leaves with a silvery touch and pink, purple, white or blue flowers. It is one of the most common spice herbs. The plant has a warm, bitter and sweet taste, but it gives a wonderful flavor and smell of soups, sauces, stewed pasta, roasts and plums. It can be used in the form of dried powder or fresh leaves. Its leaves can be used to make tea, essential oil and liquid extract.
Romans, Egyptians and Hebrews are considered sacred, especially in Italian cultural cuisine. It is also called "dew sea" or "old man".
Rosemary nutrition
According to the USDA, rosemary has a very large supply of vitamins, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6, thiamine, folic acid and minerals such as magnesium, calcium, copper, iron and manganese. It contains many antioxidants in its phenolic compounds such as diterpen, carnosol and rosemary acid, as well as essential oils such as cineol, camphor, borneol, bornyl acetate, alfaterpineol a- pinen.
እንደ ቪታሚን ኤ, ቫይታሚን ሲ, ቫይታሚን B6, ቲሚን, ፎሊያድ እንዲሁም እንደ ማግኒየም, ካልሲየም, መዳብ, ብረት እና ማንጋኒዝ የመሳሰሉ ማዕድናት የመሳሰሉ ከፍተኛ ቪታሚኖች አሉት. [
The grass has a high fiber content. It is low in cholesterol and sodium, but high in saturated fat.
The benefits of rosemary on health
The main benefits of rosemary for health include:
Hair growth
Rosemary oil promotes hair growth, prevents baldness, slows down aging, heals dandruff and dry scalp. A comparative study published in 2015 shows that rosemary oil is better than 2% minoxidil in treating cases of androgenic alopecia (permanent hair loss) to stimulate hair growth. It also promotes healing by increasing the microcirculation of the scalp and reducing hair loss after shampooing.
Improves brain function
One of the first documented uses of rosemary for health reasons was a cognitive stimulant. This has helped to improve the performance and quality of memory. It is also known to increase alertness, intelligence and concentration.
Prevents Alzheimer's disease
Rosemary prevents beta-amyloid plaques and eliminates acetylcholinesterase (AChE), the leading cause of Alzheimer's disease, ataxia and dementia. This has also been associated with stimulation of cognitive activity in the elderly, as well as in people with other acute cognitive disorders.
Research titled "Brain-Free Aging Foods Without Alzheimer's Disease: In Herbal Drug Research" suggests that rosemary is one of the best foods you can include in your diet.
Neurological protection
The carnosic acid contained in rosemary has neuroprotective properties. The 2016 study indicates that it helps reduce oxidative stress and excessive stimulation of nerve cells, thereby protecting the nervous system. It is also known that certain parts of the brain are protected against tissue damage, such as ischemic lesions, scarring of nerve tissue and blood clotting.
የ 2016 ጥናት እንደሚያሳየው በነርቭ ሴሎች ውስጥ የሚከሰት ውጥረት እና የነርቭ ሴሎች ውጥረትን ለመቀነስ ያግዛል,
Detoxification of the liver
Rosemary has been associated with lower levels of cirrhosis and faster healing of the liver, one of the slowest treatment organs. It also reduces plasma liver enzymes, which can cause type 2 diabetes. Carnosol prevents deformation of liver tissue. It also prevents the depletion of hepatic glycogen, molecules for storing energy.
It reduces stress
A study based on the antidepressant effects of rosemary concluded that the smell of rosemary itself is associated with improved mood and cleansing of the mind. It has a calming effect on people suffering from chronic anxiety and depression. In addition, it reduces the level of salivary cortisol (stress hormone) that helps reduce body tension.

Hormonal balance
Carnosol in rosemary weighs androgenic and estrogenic hormones
Source: organicfacts
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